
Ready to take a flight!

Yes, yes, yes! The trip to the Big Apple and Boston is almost there. For me, I wanted to go at this journey since 2018. Now, almost 5 years later, I can finally join this adventure. So let´s do this!

In my carreerI worked at three different schools. At these schools I saw simularities in the way they teach their children, but also a lot of differences. I learned a lot about myself as a teacher and I am still learning every day. I know what I am capable of and what kind of teacher I want to be. In my opinion all student are different and unique. You can not teach them all the same. Students want to be seen and the space to find out who they are. Making room for their development, failures and succeses, will lead to happy and confident people.

Inclusivity in education is at this moment an actual topic within SAAM, our founding. We want to welcome all children in our schools. It demands a different mindset, than we had before. It expects that all collegues want the same and let go of some thoughts or opinions.  We are not there yet, but by taking small steps we can make it work.

With this journey I want to experience how inclusivity is intertwined in the education of the schools we are going to visit. I will focus at the way of teaching and what the teachers need or do to make it work. 

Learning is essential for everybody! 

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Reis2023

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5 reacties

  1. Hi Anne,
    Nice that you wrote your blog in English!
    I am curious what kind of teacher you want to be and if that is still the same after this adventure trip/ journey.

    Greetings Sabine

  2. Hi Anne,

    well, finally is is your time to travel!
    Sabine wrote an interesting question in het reply to your blog. I would want to add to that question:
    Next to what teacher you want te be, i would like to know what teacher you are at the moment, when it comes to incusivity? Can you blog some more about how you are inclusive in your teaching today?

    I really like your last line:
    “learning is essential for everybody”! that’s so true. So, let’s get some learning done in about three weeks! looking forward to it!

  3. Anne, it is great to read about the way you look at education and your important role in it as a teacher. Inclusion is a big topic in our country. I do hope you will find answers to your questions. Don’t forget to focus on the aspects you, as a professional, can influence. One teacher can make the difference for a student! Wishing you a trip filled with insights and inspiration for your work at our SAAM schools.

  4. Nice to read Anne. Have fun and wonder. I am curious about your experience when you get back! (the creative lessons there and how these project are given was an eye opener for me, so if you get a chance to see some, I recommend it!).

  5. Edith blijft in Nederland en schrijft dus in Nederlands 😉
    Ah Anne, mooie ambitie. En ja. Onderweg naar steeds inclusiever onderwijs is de route. Niet alleen binnen SAAM* gelukkig. Je stelt dat dan eigenlijk te verwachten moet zijn dat alle collega’s het zelfde / dit willen. En ja je schrijft ook dat alle kinderen verschillen en dat er dus verschillende aanpakken nodig zijn. Dat geldt dan toch ook voor collega’s ? En dus zou je wellicht de Amerikaanse collega’s ook eens kunnen bevragen hoe ze met de verschillen in opvattingen van collega’s omgaan ?
    Wens je veel van het goed Anne! Laat je vet inspireren. We zien bij SAAM* uit naar jouw ervaringen en ontwikkelingen die daaruit voortkomen.

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