Grote Reis Panda


We will leave for America in about three weeks. I’m really looking forward to this.

We are currently discussing beautiful topics at school. Dilemmas and expectations, pedagogical action, loving framing, not excluding anyone, inclusive education, your own life script and action, organizing differently.

How beautiful is it to be able to enjoy a journey full of inspiration and (new) insights. To be allowed to enter schools with the beautiful idea that children own their own process and that we can guide them in their development.

I am so curious about how they shape this and what we can learn from this. Curious about the way they use this and their idea behind it. Curious about student involvement. Curious about the (rich) learning environment that the school offers.

How lucky to be part of this CES travelling group. Being allowed to spar together, being allowed to experience together and come back as a ‘wealthier ‘ group together. 

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in 03: Goals apply to all students, 04: Personalization, 05: Student-as-worker, teacher-as-coach, 07: Demonstration of mastery;, 08: Commitment to the entire school, Reis2023

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5 reacties

  1. Hi Marian,

    i’m also curious about the topics you talk about in your school!
    and how or where the insights from the trip enrich the insights you already have at the Fonkeling.
    I think you will also see children who do not own their own process by the way..
    In every situation it’s very interesting so see how, but more important WHY, teachers act like they do.
    so let’s ask them when we are there. let’s have some great conversations about education at the Fonkeling, at SAAM*, and at the schools we are lucky to visit.
    see you next week, for our final preparation!

    1. Hello Marian,
      What a beautiful and important topics you are discussing with your team. I’m curious to read which insights and experiences you will take back to the Fonkeling. Have a great journey!

  2. Marian,
    Yes, curious summs it all up … I am eager to hear about all the things you are working on with your colleagues at your school. And … to hear and read about what you will discover while visiting the schools in the States. Our talks to both students, teachers and parents will surely lead to interesting new insights and questions. Let’s go and explore ….

  3. Hej Marian,
    Wat ga je een gave reis tegemoet! Eén groot, mooi en gaaf onderzoek! Nu al zin in je verhalen en nieuwe inzichten, die we dan weer kunnen gebruiken in ons onderwijs op De Fonkeling. Ik wens je heel veel plezier!
    Lieve groet,

  4. Marian! Hoe mooi dat ook jij nu die kant op gaat. Leiderschap lijkt iets van je thema wellicht. Hoe je dat kinderen gunt en wat daar dan voor nodig is van professionals en ook van jou als leider van de school. Best mooi hoe je daar dan ook ginds met collega’s (Fonkeling) kunt optrekken en straks weer terug ook. Ben nieuwsgierig naar wat je gaat vinden ook t.a.v. die letterlijke omgeving voor dat leren en ontwikkelen. Want… je gaat dan best ‘andere’ dingen zien zal ik maar zeggen. En dus benieuwd naar hoe dat scherpte maakt bij jou in dat willen ontwikkelen van de letterlijke en figuurlijke omgeving voor kinderen én collega’s.
    Moois Marian voor jou. Hoop dat het heerlijke duw in de rug gaat geven voor de ontwikkeling die jij voorstaat.

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